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Next cabinet meeting to concentrate on agriculture

Patna,(BiharTimes): A special cabinet is going to be held on April 26 to discuss topics related only to the agriculture sector.
Eighteen departments, including minor irrigation, energy, water resources, rural works, sugarcane industry, animal husbandry and disaster management which are related to the agriculture sector, would be a part of this cabinet meeting.

To set the agenda for the agriculture cabinet meeting next Tuesday two meetings would be held on April 21 and 24. At the first meeting, the chief minister would discuss various issues related to the agriculture sector with ministers and senior officials of the departments concerned. In the April 24 meeting, ministers of the 18 departments would be present.

Bihar’s agriculture growth instead of going up has shown declining trend. The state government holds repeated droughts and floods responsible for this poor foodgrains production. The agriculture cabinet would take all these aspects into account in the next cabinet meeting.

In 2008 the state government had chalked out a roadmap for the agriculture sector. Measures like modern techniques of farming, organic farming, use of improved seeds etc have been taken up.

Against the national productivity average of two tonnes of rice per hectare, the state rice productivity is about 1.5 tonnes per hectare. In case of wheat, the state productivity is 2.2 tonnes per hectare against the national average of 2.7 tonnes.





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