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Better rabi output likely this season


Patna,(BiharTimes): After devastating flood in 2008 and two years of repeated drought Bihar farmers are now hoping for a better rabi output.
Late rain and the current cold wave have improved the prospect of bumper wheat, maize and pulses output. Though officials are sanguine the truth is that last year maize crop was lost due to prolong fog all over the state. Maize is both rabi and kharif crop in Bihar.

However, according to Ashok Kumar Sinha, agriculture production commissioner of Bihar, the state is likely to compensate the kharif loss if everything goes as expected. Bihar is expected to produce almost seven million tonnes wheat and more than two million tonnes maize, besides a good output of pulses.
This year wheat was sown in 2.4 million hectares, more than the last year’s figure by almost 200,000 hectares. The government is expecting a 1.5-fold rise in its output this year.
Last year, maize was sown in about 420,000 hectares in the rabi season. However, the official target for this season was 550,000 hectares.
Against the last year’s figure of 440,000 hectares pulses has been sown in 725,000 hectares. The department expects an output of about 750,000 tonnes compared to 420,000 tonnes in the last season.





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