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31 per cent people in Bihar suffering from genetic blood disorder

Patna,(BiharTimes): About 31% population of Bihar and Tamil Nadu are suffering from the genetic blood disorder.
According to a recent study conducted on samples taken from different states the incidence of genetic disorders that cause severe anaemia, including thalassemia and sickle cell disease, is the highest in Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh.

About 34% of the samples taken from these two states have sickle cell anaemia. Maharashtra is third with 33% of its population suffering from sickle cell anaemia to be followed by Bihar and Tamil Nadu
May 8 was observed as World Thalassemia Day and World Red Cross Day.

Experts say that the couples who are carriers of either of the genetic disorders must get pregnancies screened within the first few weeks of conception so that, if the foetus is found to carry the defective gene, the pregnancy can be legally terminated.

But many genetic disorders, including thalassemia major, are now curable. Among the latest treatments available for thalassemia major and sickle cell disease are cord or umbilical transplants which make frequent blood transfusion unnecessary.





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