

Nitish launches BSTDC’s ultra luxury  tourists’ van


Patna,(BiharTimes):Chief Minister Nitish Kumar launched the ultra luxury van of  Bihar State Tourism Development Corporation here on Sunday. After formally introducing this new service for tourists, Nitish along with tourism minister Sunil Kumar Pintu, water resources minister Vijay Choudhary and JDU state president Bashishth Narayan Singh moved for Rajgir in this new luxury vehicle.

This service would be available for common tourists from 1ST May. The vehicle would  remain equipped with sofa cum reclining bed, satellite TV, pantry car, fridge, coffee maker, inverter and cordless communication facilities. “This vehicle would  charge Rs.30 per kilometer with minimum 250 km chargeable a day” said Awadhesh Kumar, managing director of BSTDC.


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