

Woman ADM disappears from Bhagalpur

Patna,(BiharTimes): Additional district magistrate Jayashree Thakur, from whom property worth Rs 20 crore was recovered in raids on July 12, is reported to have disappeared from Bhagalpur, where she is presently posted.

Reports said that she escaped from the city on Monday.

Jayashree reportedly told the DM of Bhagalpur that she had been summoned to Patna by EOU for further investigation.

However, the excuse was found to be false after the district magistrate was informed by EOU that she had not been summoned to the state capital yet.

Her whereabouts are not known to anyone.

Meanwhile, it remained a mystery as to how she had managed to amass so much wealth and deposit it in banks. Why is it that the banks failed to detect the illegal wealth and how she managed to flout the rules and norms by getting the amount deposited.

The EOU sources said that the total amount of money she had earned in the entire service period is just Rs 55 lakh. Than how come she amassed property worth Rs 20 crore.

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