

AJAYA—An  epic  of the  Kaurava  clan—Book- 1 


AJAYA—An  epic  of the  Kaurava  clan—Book- 1  begins  with the  ROLL OF THE DICE  by  a  Keralite writer  Anand  Neelakantan. It is unique  in the sense  that uptill now  Pandavas  and  Lord Krishna  have been  eulogized in the  story  of Mahabharat  as heroes  but  here is a rebellious  author always drawn to the  anti heroes  doing  justice to them  which, till now,  very  few  fictional  writer,  probably  no  author  could dare to handle.  This  makes  the famous  author of  the  bestseller  ASURA   which is the  tale of the Vanquished, stand  apart  in the galaxy of fictional  Writings.

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Duryodhan  has  been depicted  as  saviour  of the  people  who  are  downtrodden, neglected  and  looked down  upon  in a  society  divided by Haves  and Havenots,  exploiter  and  exploited,  High and Low, Oppressed and  Oppressors.  Karna, Eklavya  who  represent  lower  caste  men but  made heroes by  Duryodhan  were so long historically despised by the society.  In  this  social scenario  of  today, a section of the people  are reminded of their  yore.  This gives  uniqueness  to  the book  and  makes  it acceptable  all over  the world.    
Beginning  with a  Prelude GANDHAR, the  birth place  of GANDHARI – the  female  ancestor  of  KAURAVAS, this  book  comprises  of  27 chapters  which begin  with  ‘Prince  of the  Blood’  and ends  in  ‘the  RoLL  of  the  DICE’.

Ajaya- epic of the Kaurava clan, Roll of the dice (Book I)
Author: Anand  Neelakantan
Paperback: 456 pages
Price Rs.299, $ 20
Publisher: Leadstart publishing  PVT LTD,; First edition (1 December 2013)
ISBN-10 :
ISBN13: 9789381576038
Language: English

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